Issue 14.4

Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies

Edited by Hannah Alpert-Abrams and Clayton McCarl

Introduction: Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies
  • Hannah Alpert-Abrams
  • Clayton McCarl
  • access
  • dh
  • pedagogy
  • cultural heritage
  • geospatial
  • indigenous
  • globalDH

    This is the introduction to a special issue on Digital Humanities and Colonial Latin American Studies.

    Modeling Amerindian Sea Travel in the Early Colonial Caribbean
    • Emma Slayton
    • history
    • archaeology
    • geospatial
    • data modeling
    • area studies
    • indigenous
    • computer applications in archaeology
    • seafaring
    • navigation

    This article investigated Amerindian practices by modeling hypothetical canoe routes across Trinidad and mainalnd coast of South America between 1000 AD - 1550 AD.

    The Form of the Content: The Digital Archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America
    • Laura Matthew
    • Michael Bannister
    • archives
    • users
    • transcription
    • translation
    • collaboration
    • indigenous
    • language studies
    • project report

      This article discusses the Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America digital archive and its challenges.

      Decolonizing The Digital in the Classroom: Reflections on the Intersection of Colonial Latin American Art History and Digital Art History Pedagogy
      • Lauren G. Kilroy-Ewbank
      • visual art
      • collaboration
      • transcription
      • tools
      • pedagogy
      • digital
      • Digital Art History
      • Digital Visuality
      • Metadata
      • Spanish Colonial Art
      • Pedagogy
      • Omeka

      This article explores digital methods for analyzing colonial Latin American art.

      Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history
      • George Aaron Broadwell
      • Moisés García Guzmán
      • Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
      • Felipe H. Lopez
      • May Helena Plumb
      • Mike Zarafonetis
      • collaboration
      • history
      • cultural heritage
      • digital libraries
      • indigenous
      • language studies
      • translation
      • access
      • social justice
      • digital schoalrship
      • digital humanities
      • Colonial Mexico
      • Zapotec
      • archives
      • collaoration
      • humanidades digitales
      • México colonial
      • zapoteco
      • archivos
      • colaboración
      • colaboración

      This article discusses the Ticha project whch is a digital text exploreer that provides acces to media and documents associated with the Zapotec community.

      Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico
      • Diego Jiménez–Badillo
      • Patricia Murrieta–Flores
      • Bruno Martins
      • Ian Gregory
      • Mariana Favila-Vázquez
      • Raquel Liceras-Garrido
      • nlp
      • machine learning
      • geospatial
      • history
      • corpora
      • area studies
      • Relaciones Geográficas de la Nueva España
      • early colonial history
      • Mexico
      • geographical text analysis
      • named entity recognition
      • name entity disambiguation
      • named entity classification
      • geographic collocation
      • natural language processing
      • machine learning

      This article explores a DH project that contributes to discussions on computational analysis of vast historical corpora.

      Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images

      Edited by Manuel Burghardt, Adelheid Heftberger, Johannes Pause, Niels-Oliver Walkowski, Matthias Zeppelzauer

      Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog
      • Manuel Burghardt
      • Adelheid Heftberger
      • Johannes Pause
      • Niels-Oliver Walkowski
      • Matthias Zeppelzauer
      • images
      • moving images
      • pedagogy
      • glam
      • archives
      • information retrieval
      • media studies

        Introduction to Film Studies Special Issue

        The Phenomenon of Interwar City Symphonies: A Combined Methodology of Digital Tools and Traditional Film Analysis Methods to Study Visual Motifs and Structural Patterns of Experimental-Documentary City Films
        • Eva Hielscher
        • moving images
        • history
        • tools
        • annotation
        • corpora

          Examines the the methodology and use of digital tooles such as ELAN, Cinemetrics, and ImageJ in studying 1920/30s city symphony films

          Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities
          • Jan-Hendrik Bakels
          • Matthias Grotkopp
          • Thomas Scherer
          • Jasper Stratil
          • moving images
          • annotation
          • data visualization
          • history
          • reading

            Examines challenges inherent in applying computational methods to qualitative analyses of audiovisual media

            Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction
            • Eef Masson
            • Christian Gosvig Olesen
            • Nanne van Noord
            • Giovanna Fossati
            • moving images
            • digitization
            • archives
            • information retrieval
            • images

              Discusses the Sensory Moving Image Archive project and its use of computer vision and feature extraction in video analysis

              The Stylometry of Film Dialogue: Pros and Pitfalls
              • Agata Hołobut
              • Jan Rybicki
              • moving images
              • content analysis
              • stylistics
              • nlp
              • sound
              • data analytics

                Examines quantitative methods for anlayzing film dialogue

                The Voices of Doctor Who – How Stylometry Can be Useful in Revealing New Information About TV Series
                • Joanna Byszuk
                • moving images
                • stylistics
                • data analytics
                • reading
                • network
                • gender

                  Uses stylometic methods to examine driving developments in the long-running television show Doctor Who

                  Methods and Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Film Colors in Digital Humanities
                  • Barbara Flueckiger
                  • Gaudenz Halter
                  • moving images
                  • tools
                  • data visualization
                  • annotation
                  • collaboration
                  • cs

                    Examines the aesthetics, technology, and narratology of film colors through the FilmColors research project

                    Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges
                    • Kader Pustu-Iren
                    • Julian Sittel
                    • Roman Mauer
                    • Oksana Bulgakowa
                    • Ralph Ewerth
                    • moving images
                    • content analysis
                    • tools
                    • annotation

                      Reviews literature on automated video analysis and suggests requirements for software that supports the needs of film studies scholars

                      Unknowable Facts and Digital Databases: Reflections on the Women Film Pioneers Project and Women in Film History
                      • Sarah-Mai Dang
                      • moving images
                      • history
                      • gender
                      • databases
                      • data curation
                      • information retrieval
                      • digital database
                      • film history
                      • feminist theory
                      • early cinema

                      Discusses the role of feminist film historiography in constructing film databases

                      Vivas to those who have failed: Walt Whitman Electric and the (Digital) Humanities
                      • Nicole Gray
                      • literary studies
                      • code studies
                      • materialisms
                      • markup
                      • reading

                        This articles examines a Walt Whitman manuscript through the lens of code.

                        Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP
                        • Minh Hua
                        • Rita Raley
                        • nlp
                        • games
                        • machine learning
                        • collaboration
                        • code studies
                        • linguistics

                          Argues for an approach to the the text adventure game AI Dungeon 2 as a model for future human-AI collaborative creative practices