Issue 14.3

Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities

Edited by Mila Oiva and Urszula Pawlicka-Deger

Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities - Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue.
  • Mila Oiva
  • Urszula Pawlicka-Deger
  • social media
  • infrastructure
  • dh
  • materialisms
  • globalDH

    This is the introduction to the special issue on situated research practices.

    Scholarly Infrastructure as Critical Argument: Nine principles in a preliminary survey of the bibliographic and critical values expressed by scholarly web-portals for visualizing data
    • Jo Guldi
    • infrastructure
    • citation
    • data visualization
    • ethics
    • info architecture
    • web

      This article discusses infrastructure within the transformation of twenty-first centuty life and scholarship.

      The Laboratory Turn: Exploring Discourses, Landscapes, and Models of Humanities Labs
      • Urszula Pawlicka-Deger
      • infrastructure
      • dh
      • history
      • project management
      • data curation
      • infrastructure
      • laboratory
      • lab history
      • humanities lab
      • digital humanities center
      • techno-science lab
      • virtual lab
      • situatedness

      This article explores the labratory turn in the humantiies.

      Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects
      • James W. Malazita
      • Ezra J. Teboul
      • Hined Rafeh
      • dh
      • social justice
      • project report
      • materialisms
      • gender
      • philosophy

        This article explores the situatedness of DH labs.

        The Chili and Honey of Digital Humanities Research:The Facilitation of the Interdisciplinary Transfer of Knowledge in Digital Humanities Centers
        • Mila Oiva
        • interdisciplinarity
        • dh
        • info architecture
        • network
        • glam
        • digital humanities
        • transfer of knowledge
        • research facilitation
        • social networks
        • organization
        • digital communication tools
        • space

        This article examines digital humanities (DH) centers as focal points of the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge.

        Excavating Infrastructure in the Analog Humanities’ Lab: An Analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
        • Aleksandra Kil
        • project report
        • infrastructure
        • history
        • archaeology
        • archives
        • materialisms

          The author looks into the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale's Human Relations Area Files and how their production helped secure funding and space for the lab.

          Infrastructure and Social Interaction: Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities in India
          • Shanmugapriya T
          • Nirmala Menon
          • infrastructure
          • dh
          • glam
          • history
          • digital libraries
          • globalDH
          • materialisms
          • pedagogy
          • Research practice in India
          • Digital Humanities
          • Infrastructure
          • Social Interaction
          • Challenges

          This article examines the challenges in infratructure

          Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library
          • Catherine DeRose
          • Peter Leonard
          • project report
          • infrastructure
          • ethics
          • glam
          • users

            two digital humanities staff at Yale Library discuss the relationship between inclusion v. separation, security v. transparency, and historicizing v. modern design in the context of a space for Digital Humanities.

            Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability
            • Rebekah Cummings
            • David S. Roh
            • Elizabeth Callaway
            • collaboration
            • project report
            • data curation
            • glam
            • ecocriticism
            • project management

              This article presents the case study of the Digital Matters Lab at the University of Utah as an example of the creation of a digital scholarship center.

              Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab
              • Andreas Fickers
              • Tim van der Heijden
              • project report
              • history
              • interdisciplinarity
              • infrastructure
              • cs

                In this article, the authors discuss using the method of thinkering with digital history.

                Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC)
                • Natalie Philips
                • Alexander Babbitt
                • Soohyun Cho
                • Jessica Kane
                • Cody Mejeur
                • Craig Pearson
                • collaboration
                • project report
                • pedagogy
                • infrastructure
                • literary studies

                  This is a case study describing the creation of the Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition lab at Michigan State University and the interdisciplinary research efforts made within the lab.

                  Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2
                  • Kathi Inman Berens
                  • Abbey Gaterud
                  • Rachel Noorda
                  • access
                  • ethics
                  • project report
                  • publishing
                  • gender
                  • infrastructure
                  • project management

                    This case study describes the Ooligan Press as a not-for-profit, feminist DH lab.

                    An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape
                    • Randa El Khatib
                    • Alyssa Arbuckle
                    • Lynne Siemens
                    • Ray Siemens
                    • Caroline Winter
                    • ETCL Research Group
                    • access
                    • project report
                    • infrastructure
                    • ethics

                      This article discusses how the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab aims to promote open social scholarship.

                      One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment
                      • Lawrence Evalyn
                      • C. E. M. Henderson
                      • Julia King
                      • Jessica Lockhart
                      • Laura Mitchell
                      • Suzanne Conklin Akbari
                      • project report
                      • social media
                      • cultural criticism
                      • glam
                      • images

                        The authors consider the affective community created by a shared Slack workspace, as well as the ways in which it erodes the boundaries of the personal and professional.

                        Theatre analytics: developing software for theatre research
                        • Clarisse Bardiot
                        • tools
                        • content analysis
                        • data curation
                        • performance
                        • data analytics

                          This article discusses the trend of theater analytics and the author's software Rekall and MemoRekall.

                          A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities
                          • Maciej Maryl
                          • Costis Dallas
                          • Jennifer Edmond
                          • Jessie Labov
                          • Ingrida Kelpšienė
                          • Michelle Doran
                          • Marta Kołodziejska
                          • Klaudia Grabowska
                          • project report
                          • project management
                          • infrastructure
                          • dh

                            Exploring three pilot studies as a potential basis for protocols in the midst of meaningful change in scholarly practice.

                            The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier)
                            • Ashley S. Lee
                            • Poom Chiarawongse
                            • Jo Guldi
                            • Andras Zsom
                            • tools
                            • project management
                            • history
                            • infrastructure
                            • information retrieval
                            • reading
                            • nlp

                              The pipeline, a category of tool, and its influence on the development of the HaToRi is discussed in this article.

                              Lost Spaces, Lost Technologies, and Lost People: Online History Projects Seek to Recover LGBTQ+ Spatial Histories
                              • Alex D. Ketchum
                              • history
                              • cultural heritage
                              • access
                              • geospatial
                              • data curation
                              • gender
                              • project report

                                Examines questions on the role and efficacy of online history projects for reclaiming lost LGBTQ+ spaces

                                Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies
                                • Christine Barats
                                • Valérie Schafer
                                • Andreas Fickers
                                • access
                                • data curation
                                • infrastructure
                                • social media
                                • history
                                • digital

                                  Sustainability in DH as a shared issue of data maintenance and institutional contexts.

                                  Tremendous Mechanical Labor: Father Busa’s Algorithm
                                  • Geoffrey Rockwell
                                  • Stéfan Sinclair
                                  • history
                                  • archaeology
                                  • digitization
                                  • collaboration
                                  • nlp
                                  • media studies
                                  • markup
                                  • materialisms

                                    Examines innovations in Index Thomisticus and their implications for mechanical and human labour

                                    The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization
                                    • Viktoria Brüggemann
                                    • Mark-Jan Bludau
                                    • Marian Dörk
                                    • philosophy
                                    • data visualization
                                    • cultural heritage

                                      Outlines how the Deleuzian concept of the Fold offers a novel means of analyzing and conceptualizing data visualizations

                                      Reassessing the locus of normalization in machine-assisted collation
                                      • David J. Birnbaum
                                      • Elena Spadini
                                      • info architecture
                                      • tools
                                      • project management
                                      • editing
                                      • transcription
                                      • data analytics

                                        Examines how the Gothenburg model of machines-assisted collation contributes to the interpretation of text data

                                        Playing with Playthroughs: Distance Visualization and Narrative Form in Video Games
                                        • Cody Mejeur
                                        • games
                                        • images
                                        • tools
                                        • data visualization
                                        • users
                                        • archives

                                          Explores the use of ImagePlot for analyzing video game narratives