Issue 14.2

Portuguese Language Special Issue

Edited by Cecily Raynor, Luis Ferla

Apresentação - Edição especial da DHQ em português
  • Luis Ferla
  • Cecily Raynor
  • globalDH
  • infrastructure
  • standards
  • cultural criticism
  • graphic design
  • geospatial
  • data curation
  • ethics
  • area studies
    EN PT

    DHQ presents its Portuguese language special edition.

    Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
    • Sarita Albagli
    • Hesley Py
    • Allan Yu Iwama
    • data visualization
    • geospatial
    • tools
    • info architecture
    • infrastructure
    • area studies
    • social justice
    • access
      EN PT

      A critical and systematic review on information geovisualization via a Brazilian prototype platform.

      Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
      • Cláudio José Silva Ribeiro
      • Suemi Higuchi
      • Luis Antonio Coelho Ferla
      • dh
      • area studies
      • globalDH
      • project report
      • Digital Humanities
      • Science and Technology
      • HDRio2018
      EN PT

      A Portuguese language article which casts a panoramic glance at Digital Humanities initiatives in Brazil.

      Avanços no estudo das redes de itinerários da Península Ibérica no século XVI. Aplicando os SIGH para estudar a história da arquitetura
      • Patricia Ferreira-Lopes
      • history
      • geospatial
      • cultural heritage
      • digitization
      • data modeling
      • area studies
        EN PT

        Applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in cultural and historical studies, especially on the Iberian peninsula.

        Ler a prosa do mundo hoje
        • Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa
        • materialisms
        • reading
        • digital
        • dh
        • philosophy
        • media studies
          EN PT

          Material conditions of digital text diffusion and their impact on new forms of reading.

          Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
          • Luís Corujo
          • Jorge Revez
          • Carlos Guardado da Silva
          • data curation
          • content analysis
          • project management
          • digital libraries
          • ethics
          • standards
          • Curadoria Digital
          • Custo
          • Modelo de Custo
          • Ciclo de vida dos Dados Científicos
          EN PT

          Interconnecting the Digital Curation Centre Life Cycle view of the digital object curation to the OAIS Reference Model approach.

          Reconstruir histórias da conservação da natureza na Califórnia: 1850 – 2010
          • Maria J.Ferreira dos Santos
          • history
          • project report
          • data visualization
          • ecocriticism
          • geospatial
          • area studies
            EN PT

            About the experience of developing a digital platform which visualizes the history of natural conservation in California over time.

            Remembering Stéfan Sinclair
            • DHQ editorial team
            • dh
            • tools
            • data visualization

              Remembering Stéfan Sinclair

              Digital Editions and Version Numbering
              • Paul A. Broyles
              • publishing
              • project report
              • archives
              • editing
              • citation
              • data curation
              • medieval

                Examines versioning practices and policies as social products to argue for transparency in assigning meaningful version numbers to digital editions

                Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study
                • Ana Jofre
                • Vincent Berardi
                • Kathleen P.J. Brennan
                • Aisha Cornejo
                • Carl Bennett
                • John Harlan
                • images
                • project report
                • machine learning
                • annotation
                • tools
                • archives
                • corpora
                • area studies

                  This is a case study that demonstrates how the authors' software can be used to extract and annotate faces from a magazine archive.

                  Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus
                  • Barbara McGillivray
                  • Thierry Poibeau
                  • Pablo Ruiz Fabo
                  • nlp
                  • collaboration
                  • dh
                  • tools
                  • corpora
                  • stylistics
                  • markup
                  • annotation

                    Argues for an increase in communication and collaboration between Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities communities to advance both fields

                    Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program
                    • John Shanahan
                    • Robin Burke
                    • Ana Lučić
                    • data modeling
                    • content analysis
                    • reading
                    • project report
                    • glam
                    • data analytics

                      Explores data from the Chicago Public Library's One Book One Chicago project to analyze and model library usage and reading behavior

                      Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers
                      • Melvin Wevers
                      • Jianbo Gao
                      • Kirstoffer L. Nielbo
                      • history
                      • interdisciplinarity
                      • content analysis
                      • area studies
                      • data modeling

                        Shows how methods from econometrics and complexity science may be applied to humanities data to improve understanding of the role of advertising in society

                        Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition
                        • Christoph Wick
                        • Christian Reul
                        • Frank Puppe
                        • digitization
                        • annotation
                        • tools
                        • transcription
                        • graphic design
                        • archives

                          Examines Calamari as new line based OCR engine to replace OCRopy or Tesseract on historical prints pretraining

                          Open Data in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Can We Be Better Than Data Brokers?
                          • S.L. Ziegler
                          • cultural heritage
                          • digitization
                          • archives
                          • ethics
                          • glam
                          • metadata
                          • access

                            Analyzes the interaction between data brokers and cultural heritage institutions' data collections to explore how to mitigate the harm potentially caused by data in cultural institutions

                            A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR
                            • John Douglas Bradley
                            • classics
                            • access
                            • semantic web
                            • network
                            • users
                            • digital libraries
                            • Roman Republic
                            • Linked Open Data
                            • Resource Description Framework
                            • Digital Prosopography

                            Explores how a Prosopography of the Roman Republic has been presented as Linked Open Data through an RDF server.