Issue 14.1

DHQ Statement on Black Lives Matter and Structural Racism

  • DHQ editorial team

  • race
  • ethics
  • cultural criticism

    DHQ Statement on Black Lives Matter and Structural Racism

    With the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Digital Humanities Quarterly stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and seeks to oppose systemic racism. We recognize the crucial role academic journals play in shaping perceptions about what research topics, methods, and authors are important, and in creating a visible profile of the fields they cover. DHQ recognizes that an academic journal must take active steps to achieve social change and social justice, and to make the field of digital humanities visible as a space for racial and gender equity. DHQ has not done enough in the past to recruit, support, and center the work of scholars of color. As part of ACH’s planned review of policies and organizational culture, DHQ commits to taking action based on that review. In addition, in DHQ’s already planned review and update of its editorial boards and policies in the coming year, we will focus on correcting the journal’s racial imbalance in both its editorial personnel and its publications. Finally, DHQ commits to a special issue at least every other year on a topic explicitly related to race and its relationship to additional axes of oppression, including gender, sexuality, disability, nationality, and language. A special issue on race in the rising DH generation is already under way. We welcome suggestions from the community on additional steps the journal could take.
