Issue 14.1
DHQ Statement on Black Lives Matter and Structural Racism
  • DHQ editorial team
  • race
  • ethics
  • cultural criticism

    A statement of DHQ's position and actions in relation to structural racism.

    Developing a Process-Oriented, Inclusive Pedagogy: At the Intersection of Digital Humanities, Second Language Acquisition, and New Literacies
    • Melinda A. Cro
    • Sara K. Kearns
    • project report
    • pedagogy
    • collaboration
    • interdisciplinarity
    • literary studies
    • language studies

      Analyzes the implementation of DH theories and methods in designing and teaching a university-level second-language course

      Episodic Theater and the Digital Text: Editing the Traveling Players’ Fortunatus
      • Kevin Chovanec
      • classics
      • digital libraries
      • data visualization
      • access
      • publishing
      • metadata

        A case study on encoding the episodic and spontaneous character of the early modern traveling theater.

        Erasure, Misrepresentation and Confusion: Investigating JSTOR Topics on Women’s and Race Histories
        • Sharon Block
        • history
        • databases
        • race
        • social justice
        • metadata
        • gender
        • area studies
        • cultural criticism
        • machine learning

          Examines the representation of women and minority groups in JSTOR's topical metadata

          The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre
          • Elizabeth Callaway
          • Jeffrey Turner
          • Heather Stone
          • Adam Halstrom
          • project report
          • nlp
          • dh
          • metadata
          • cultural criticism
          • gender

            Topic modeling warm invitations and gatekeeping in the digital humanities.

            Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary
            • Marcello Vitali-Rosati
            • Servanne Monjour
            • Joana Casenave
            • Elsa Bouchard
            • Margot Mellet
            • classics
            • databases
            • project report
            • history
            • corpora
            • manuscripts
            • publishing
            • semantic web
            • digital
            • Digital Classics
            • Digital Edition
            • Palatine Anthology
            • Anthological Imaginary
            • Editorialization
            • Collaborative Process

            How might texts written in Antinquity resonate in our networked digital culture?

            A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts
            • Gila Prebor
            • Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet
            • Isaac Miller
            • content analysis
            • corpora
            • manuscripts
            • geospatial
            • history
            • religion
            • medieval

              Exploring censored historical Hebrew manuscripts via statistical analysis of metadata.

              Medieval manuscript descriptions and the Semantic Web: analysing the impact of CIDOC CRM on Italian codicological-paleographical data
              • Anna Bellotto
              • medieval
              • manuscripts
              • semantic web
              • markup
              • metadata
              • standards

                How can the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model help address issues in the representation of manuscripts?