Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history
  • George Aaron Broadwell
  • Moisés García Guzmán
  • Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
  • Felipe H. Lopez
  • May Helena Plumb
  • Mike Zarafonetis
  • collaboration
  • history
  • cultural heritage
  • digital libraries
  • indigenous
  • language studies
  • translation
  • access
  • social justice
  • digital schoalrship
  • digital humanities
  • Colonial Mexico
  • Zapotec
  • archives
  • collaoration
  • humanidades digitales
  • México colonial
  • zapoteco
  • archivos
  • colaboración
  • colaboración

This article discusses the Ticha project whch is a digital text exploreer that provides acces to media and documents associated with the Zapotec community.