Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies. A Critical Survey
  • Simone Rebora
  • literary studies
  • tools
  • project report
  • content analysis
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Tool Criticism
  • Literary Theory
  • Computational Literary Studies

The article sets up a critique of Sentiment Analysis (SA) tools in literary studies, both from a theoretical and a computational point of view.

Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies
  • Marit J. MacArthur
  • Lee M. Miller
  • linguistics
  • performance
  • tools
  • sound
  • data visualization
  • Poetry
  • Poet Voice
  • Phonetic linguistics

This article provides a critical narrative of our research in applying, developing and refining tools for the analysis of pitch and timing patterns in recorded performances of literary texts.

The Explainability Turn
  • David M. Berry
  • tools
  • users
  • cultural criticism
  • digital
  • Explainability
  • Tool Criticism
  • Digital infrastructures
  • infrasomatization

I suggest recent moves to assuage worries over the opaque and threatening potential of computation, termed explainability, might contribute to tool criticism within digital humanities.

The Politics of Tools
  • Stephen Ramsay
  • cultural criticism
  • code studies
  • philosophy
  • tools
  • politics
  • software
  • cultural studies

If it is true that our tool-building cannot define or predict the specific political arrangements that may later arise, we should perhaps be most circumspect not when we are tempted to imagine our efforts to be neutral, but rather when we imagine our tools to be acts of resistance or outright political activism.

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies
  • J. Berenike Herrmann
  • Anne-Sophie Bories
  • Francesca Frontini
  • Clèmence Jacquot
  • Steffen Pielström
  • Simone Rebora
  • Geoffrey Rockwell
  • Stéfan Sinclair
  • literary studies
  • tools
  • stylistics
  • data analytics

    This article reflects a rich array of perspectives on tools criticism, arguing that we need tools and methods as a basic common ground on how to carry out fundamental operations of analysis and interpretation within a community.

    Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice
    • Karin van Es
    • cultural criticism
    • tools
    • digital
    • infrastructure
    • cultural criticism
    • Tool criticism
    • Digital methods
    • Methodology
    • Digital infrastructures

    This paper explores tool criticism – a critical attitude required of digital humanities scholars when working with computational tools and digital infrastructures.

    How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code
    • Minh Hua
    • Rita Raley
    • code studies
    • machine learning
    • tools
    • web

      Our work draws attention to the means by which ordinary users might interact with, and even direct, the behavior of deep learning systems, and by extension works toward demystifying some of the auratic mystery of AI.

      An Integral Web-map for the Analysis of Spatial Change over Time in a Complex Built Environment: Digital Samos
      • Estefanía López Salas
      • geospatial
      • tools
      • project report
      • history
      • project management
      • Digital Art and Architectural History
      • Digital Visualization
      • Spatiotemporal Web-Mapping
      • Spanish Monastic Architecture

      The paper focuses on a prototype interactive web-map of the monastic site of San Julián de Samos in north-western Spain and offers a response to questions regarding why and how to create an interactive web-map in the field of architectural history through a particular case study.

      Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices
      • Moshe Blidstein
      • Daphne Raban
      • project report
      • tools
      • religion
      • classics
      • archives

        Exploration of Tiresias, a multilingual database constructed constructed as an efficient tool to access and understand ancient texts for research purposes.

        Hidden in Plain-TeX: Investigating Minimal Computing Workflows
        • Nabeel Siddiqui
        • project management
        • markup
        • tools
        • minimal computing
        • philosophy
        • history
        • publishing

          Drawing on software studies, data feminism, digital rhetoric studies, information science, and the history of computing, this paper foregrounds Markdown as a cultural object to analyze the social, cultural, and political pressures surrounding the digital humanities.  Rather than beginning with contemporary discourse, it draws parallels between Markdown and Donald Knuth's TeX.

          Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor
          • Quinn Dombrowski
          • globalDH
          • access
          • tools
          • minimal computing
          • ethics
          • collaboration

            This paper focuses on the practical realities of implementing the most common minimal computing methods for web development.

            Tesserae Intertext Service
            • Nozomu Okuda
            • Jeffery Kinnison
            • Patrick Burns
            • Neil Coffee
            • Walter Scheirer
            • tools
            • project report
            • project management
            • literary studies

              Two case studies demonstrate the contributions of the TIS-API to computer-assisted literary criticism, particularly in increased software development and maintenance flexibility as well as in easier integration of Tesserae software into research workflows.

              Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts
              • David Lassner
              • Anne Baillot
              • Sergej Dogadov
              • Klaus-Robert Müller
              • Shinichi Nakajima
              • manuscripts
              • machine learning
              • tools
              • editing

                This article present a new probabilistic model for categorizing alterations in manuscripts which yields interesting insights into sensitive topics in the correspondence of Berlin intellectuals around 1800.

                A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters
                • Pierre Chastang
                • Sergio Torres Aguilar
                • Xavier Tannier
                • medieval
                • manuscripts
                • history
                • tools
                • project report

                  In this paper, we detail the implementation of a model for automatic named entity recognition in medieval Latin sources and we test its robustness on different datasets.

                  Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action
                  • Gloria Mugelli
                  • Federico Boschetti
                  • Andrea Bellandi
                  • Riccardo Del Gratta
                  • Anas Fahad Khan
                  • Andrea Taddei
                  • classics
                  • history
                  • tools
                  • databases
                  • users
                  • annotation
                  • project report
                  • textual annotation
                  • bottom-up approach
                  • domain specific languages
                  • ontologies
                  • ancient Greek
                  • ancient Greek tragedy
                  • ritual
                  • religion

                  Description of the Euporia annotation system.

                  Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain
                  • Matthia Sabatelli
                  • Nikolay Banar
                  • Marie Cocriamont
                  • Eva Coudyzer
                  • Karine Lasaracina
                  • Walter Daelemans
                  • Pierre Geurts
                  • Mike Kestemont
                  • tools
                  • music
                  • images
                  • machine learning
                  • visual art

                    In this paper, we present MINERVA, the first benchmark dataset for the detection of musical instruments in non-photorealistic, unrestricted image collections from the realm of the visual arts.

                    Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate
                    • Joel Burges
                    • Solvegia Armoskaite
                    • Tiamat Fox
                    • Darren Mueller
                    • Joshua Romphf
                    • Emily Sherwood
                    • Madeline Ullrich
                    • annotation
                    • tools
                    • moving images
                    • media studies
                    • project report
                    • users
                    • sound

                      This article describes Mediate: An Annotation Tool for Audiovisual Media, developed at the University of Rochester, and emphasizes the platform as a source for the understanding of film, television, poetry, pop songs, live performance, music, and advertising as shown in three cases studies from film and media studies, music history, and linguistics.

                      Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research
                      • Jenny Oyallon-Koloski
                      • Dora Valkanova
                      • Michael J. Junokas
                      • Kayt MacMaster
                      • Sarah Marks Mininsohn
                      • images
                      • tools
                      • moving images
                      • performance

                        We argue for the value of motion capture-driven research that moves audiovisual analysis in a performative direction to integrate the dancer/researcher into the cinematic space.

                        Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project
                        • Jean Carrive
                        • Abdelkrim Beloued
                        • Pascale Goetschel
                        • Serge Heiden
                        • Antoine Laurent
                        • Pasquale Lisena
                        • Franck Mazuet
                        • Sylvain Meignier
                        • Bénédicte Pincemin
                        • Géraldine Poels
                        • Raphaël Troncy
                        • moving images
                        • history
                        • project report
                        • tools
                        • archives
                        • semantic web

                          The ANTRACT project is a cross-disciplinary apparatus dedicated to the analysis of the French newsreel company Les Actualités Françaises (1945-1969) and its film productions.
