My DH Present, Past, & Future
  • Moya Bailey
  • project report
  • social media
  • race
  • social justice
  • dh
  • Origin story
  • Race
  • Reflection

We were feminists, womanists, radical women of color finding our voices in the liminal spaces of the internet and it was beautiful.

New Questions, Next Work
  • Bethany Nowviskie
  • race
  • cultural heritage
  • dh
  • infrastructure
  • cultural criticism
  • social justice
  • Digital humanities
  • Organizing
  • Reform
  • Mutual aid
  • Infrastructure
  • Reflection

We have pathways forward and tantalizing hints, but can scarcely imagine what it will mean to shift from extractive modes of digital research and curation — quantifying, fragmenting, pinning, hoarding — to ones that are generative, healing, open-ended, and which make us whole.

Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project
  • Christina Boyles
  • Andy Boyles Petersen
  • access
  • ethics
  • social justice
  • minimal computing

    This article has examines notions of precarity within the Makers by Mail project to interrogate the relationship between minimal computing methodologies and academic austerity.

    Prison Writer as Witness: Can DH Read for Social Justice?
    • Doran Larson
    • social justice
    • archives
    • reading
    • history
    • public history

      This article proposes that there exists a broad, well established, but underappreciated mid-range manner of reading that stands between traditional close reading and computer-aided distant reading of first-person witness testimony.

      Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history
      • George Aaron Broadwell
      • Moisés García Guzmán
      • Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
      • Felipe H. Lopez
      • May Helena Plumb
      • Mike Zarafonetis
      • collaboration
      • history
      • cultural heritage
      • digital libraries
      • indigenous
      • language studies
      • translation
      • access
      • social justice
      • digital schoalrship
      • digital humanities
      • Colonial Mexico
      • Zapotec
      • archives
      • collaoration
      • humanidades digitales
      • México colonial
      • zapoteco
      • archivos
      • colaboración
      • colaboración

      This article discusses the Ticha project whch is a digital text exploreer that provides acces to media and documents associated with the Zapotec community.
