Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies. A Critical Survey
  • Simone Rebora
  • literary studies
  • tools
  • project report
  • content analysis
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Tool Criticism
  • Literary Theory
  • Computational Literary Studies

The article sets up a critique of Sentiment Analysis (SA) tools in literary studies, both from a theoretical and a computational point of view.

An Integral Web-map for the Analysis of Spatial Change over Time in a Complex Built Environment: Digital Samos
  • Estefanía López Salas
  • geospatial
  • tools
  • project report
  • history
  • project management
  • Digital Art and Architectural History
  • Digital Visualization
  • Spatiotemporal Web-Mapping
  • Spanish Monastic Architecture

The paper focuses on a prototype interactive web-map of the monastic site of San Julián de Samos in north-western Spain and offers a response to questions regarding why and how to create an interactive web-map in the field of architectural history through a particular case study.

Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions
  • Sune Bechmann Pedersen
  • Mathias Johansson
  • reading
  • geospatial
  • history
  • area studies
  • communications
  • project report
  • Historical Geographical Information Systems
  • tourism history
  • travel guides
  • state socialism
  • Cold War
  • toponym disambiguation
  • Baedeker
  • Čedok

This article demonstrates the value of scalable reading of historical travel guides, combining traditional close reading with computer-assisted distant reading.

The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery
  • Sara Diamond
  • archives
  • project management
  • data curation
  • access
  • project report
  • visual art
  • sound
  • indigenous
  • media history
  • project resiliency
  • Banff New Media Institute
  • Daniel Langlois Foundation
  • Crista Dahl Library and Archive
  • Sara Diamond Fonds

Disappearing archives

Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices
  • Moshe Blidstein
  • Daphne Raban
  • project report
  • tools
  • religion
  • classics
  • archives

    Exploration of Tiresias, a multilingual database constructed constructed as an efficient tool to access and understand ancient texts for research purposes.

    Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project
    • Franny Gaede
    • Ana-Maurine Lara
    • Alaí Reyes-Santos
    • Kate Thornhill
    • race
    • indigenous
    • collaboration
    • glam
    • data curation
    • project report
    • area studies
    • Black digital humanities
    • Caribbean
    • Digital archive

    This interdisciplinary team placed the healers’ community at the center of the research project to publicly validate and share aspects of their knowledge with the healers, teachers, researchers, and students studying race, indigeneity, ethnobotanical medicinal healing, and intersectionality.

    My DH Present, Past, & Future
    • Moya Bailey
    • project report
    • social media
    • race
    • social justice
    • dh
    • Origin story
    • Race
    • Reflection

    We were feminists, womanists, radical women of color finding our voices in the liminal spaces of the internet and it was beautiful.

    Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women
    • Jazma Sutton
    • Kalani Craig
    • archives
    • data curation
    • race
    • cultural heritage
    • history
    • oral history
    • social media
    • project report
    • Black women
    • Black digital humanities
    • History harvest
    • Memory work
    • Digital community archive

    In a world that has always conceived of Black women in opposition to others, but never on her own terms, Remembering Freedom History Harvest builds a local Indiana historiography that relies less on resistant readings of archives and more on the community archives and memory work that join together in descendant archival practice as a way to generate Black women’s histories.

    Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective
    • Tiffany Chan
    • Jentery Sayers
    • project report
    • minimal computing
    • access
    • project management

      A brief exploration of Vault, a digital asset management system, and how it illustrates minimal computing from the labor perspective.

      Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South
      • Raffaele Viglianti
      • Gimena del Rio Riande
      • Nidia Hernández
      • Romina De Léon
      • access
      • globalDH
      • pedagogy
      • project report
      • minimal computing

        In this paper, we present our preliminary reflections on whether minimal computing as a practice can extend beyond computing done under some technological constraints to serving as a common ground between different digital humanities research dynamics in the Global North and South.

        Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation
        • Matthew Lincoln
        • Jennifer Isasi
        • Sarah Melton
        • François Dominic Laramée
        • project report
        • info architecture
        • project management
        • minimal computing
        • globalDH

          In this case study, we show how the challenges of maintaining a sustainable static-site architecture for the Programming Historian are deeply intertwined with the logistical challenges of expanding the original project into a multilingual set of publications.

          Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship
          • Jing Chen
          • Mengqi Li
          • Wensi Lin
          • Yinzhou Zhao
          • Mengyue Zhang
          • Han Chen
          • Qiang Hu
          • Yongqing Xie
          • project report
          • visual art
          • cultural heritage
          • collaboration
          • minimal computing
          • history
          • publishing

            This essay offers a case study of the ZHI project, a digital craftsmanship project showcasing the beauty of traditional craftsmanship at three levels: knowing, making, and intelligence.

            Tesserae Intertext Service
            • Nozomu Okuda
            • Jeffery Kinnison
            • Patrick Burns
            • Neil Coffee
            • Walter Scheirer
            • tools
            • project report
            • project management
            • literary studies

              Two case studies demonstrate the contributions of the TIS-API to computer-assisted literary criticism, particularly in increased software development and maintenance flexibility as well as in easier integration of Tesserae software into research workflows.

              A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters
              • Pierre Chastang
              • Sergio Torres Aguilar
              • Xavier Tannier
              • medieval
              • manuscripts
              • history
              • tools
              • project report

                In this paper, we detail the implementation of a model for automatic named entity recognition in medieval Latin sources and we test its robustness on different datasets.

                Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading
                • Aditi Nafde
                • Matt Coneys Wainwright
                • Kate Court
                • Fiona Galston
                • James Cummings
                • Tiago Sousa Garcia
                • project report
                • reading
                • graphic design
                • users

                  Case study of Hands-On Reading web app addressing technical challenges and the question of whether reading/writing practices can be translated to the digital world

                  Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action
                  • Gloria Mugelli
                  • Federico Boschetti
                  • Andrea Bellandi
                  • Riccardo Del Gratta
                  • Anas Fahad Khan
                  • Andrea Taddei
                  • classics
                  • history
                  • tools
                  • databases
                  • users
                  • annotation
                  • project report
                  • textual annotation
                  • bottom-up approach
                  • domain specific languages
                  • ontologies
                  • ancient Greek
                  • ancient Greek tragedy
                  • ritual
                  • religion

                  Description of the Euporia annotation system.

                  Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate
                  • Joel Burges
                  • Solvegia Armoskaite
                  • Tiamat Fox
                  • Darren Mueller
                  • Joshua Romphf
                  • Emily Sherwood
                  • Madeline Ullrich
                  • annotation
                  • tools
                  • moving images
                  • media studies
                  • project report
                  • users
                  • sound

                    This article describes Mediate: An Annotation Tool for Audiovisual Media, developed at the University of Rochester, and emphasizes the platform as a source for the understanding of film, television, poetry, pop songs, live performance, music, and advertising as shown in three cases studies from film and media studies, music history, and linguistics.

                    Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections
                    • Stephanie Sapienza
                    • Eric Hoyt
                    • Matt St. John
                    • Ed Summers
                    • JJ Bersch
                    • data curation
                    • access
                    • project report
                    • minimal computing
                    • project management

                      This paper introduces and unpacks several challenges faced by stewards who work with audiovisual resources, departing from the premise that audiovisual resources are undervalued and underutilized as primary source materials for scholarship and therefore receive less attention in the sphere of digital humanities.

                      Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project
                      • Jean Carrive
                      • Abdelkrim Beloued
                      • Pascale Goetschel
                      • Serge Heiden
                      • Antoine Laurent
                      • Pasquale Lisena
                      • Franck Mazuet
                      • Sylvain Meignier
                      • Bénédicte Pincemin
                      • Géraldine Poels
                      • Raphaël Troncy
                      • moving images
                      • history
                      • project report
                      • tools
                      • archives
                      • semantic web

                        The ANTRACT project is a cross-disciplinary apparatus dedicated to the analysis of the French newsreel company Les Actualités Françaises (1945-1969) and its film productions.

                        Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
                        • Cláudio José Silva Ribeiro
                        • Suemi Higuchi
                        • Luis Antonio Coelho Ferla
                        • dh
                        • area studies
                        • globalDH
                        • project report
                        • Digital Humanities
                        • Science and Technology
                        • HDRio2018

                        A Portuguese language article which casts a panoramic glance at Digital Humanities initiatives in Brazil.

                        EN PT
                        Digital Editions and Version Numbering
                        • Paul A. Broyles
                        • publishing
                        • project report
                        • archives
                        • editing
                        • citation
                        • data curation
                        • medieval

                          Examines versioning practices and policies as social products to argue for transparency in assigning meaningful version numbers to digital editions

                          Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary
                          • Marcello Vitali-Rosati
                          • Servanne Monjour
                          • Joana Casenave
                          • Elsa Bouchard
                          • Margot Mellet
                          • classics
                          • databases
                          • project report
                          • history
                          • corpora
                          • manuscripts
                          • publishing
                          • semantic web
                          • digital
                          • Digital Classics
                          • Digital Edition
                          • Palatine Anthology
                          • Anthological Imaginary
                          • Editorialization
                          • Collaborative Process

                          How might texts written in Antinquity resonate in our networked digital culture?

                          Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry
                          • Heyam Abd Alhadi
                          • Ali Ahmad Hussein
                          • Tsvi Kuflik
                          • rhetoric
                          • area studies
                          • literary studies
                          • machine learning
                          • project report
                          • corpora
                          • Text mining
                          • Arabic natural language processing
                          • rule-based
                          • classical Arabic poetry
                          • rhetorical elements

                          A novel, rule-based, automatic framework for identifying rhetorical elements in classical Arabic poetry is described.
