Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP
  • Minh Hua
  • Rita Raley
  • nlp
  • games
  • machine learning
  • collaboration
  • code studies
  • linguistics

    Argues for an approach to the the text adventure game AI Dungeon 2 as a model for future human-AI collaborative creative practices

    Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico
    • Diego Jiménez–Badillo
    • Patricia Murrieta–Flores
    • Bruno Martins
    • Ian Gregory
    • Mariana Favila-Vázquez
    • Raquel Liceras-Garrido
    • nlp
    • machine learning
    • geospatial
    • history
    • corpora
    • area studies
    • Relaciones Geográficas de la Nueva España
    • early colonial history
    • Mexico
    • geographical text analysis
    • named entity recognition
    • name entity disambiguation
    • named entity classification
    • geographic collocation
    • natural language processing
    • machine learning

    This article explores a DH project that contributes to discussions on computational analysis of vast historical corpora.
