Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate
  • Joel Burges
  • Solvegia Armoskaite
  • Tiamat Fox
  • Darren Mueller
  • Joshua Romphf
  • Emily Sherwood
  • Madeline Ullrich
  • annotation
  • tools
  • moving images
  • media studies
  • project report
  • users
  • sound

    This article describes Mediate: An Annotation Tool for Audiovisual Media, developed at the University of Rochester, and emphasizes the platform as a source for the understanding of film, television, poetry, pop songs, live performance, music, and advertising as shown in three cases studies from film and media studies, music history, and linguistics.

    Deformin' in the Rain: How (and Why) to Break a Classic Film
    • Jason Mittell
    • moving images
    • images
    • cultural criticism
    • digitization
    • sound
    • visual art

      Following upon the strain of digital humanities practice that Mark Sample terms the deformed humanities, this essay subjects a single film to a series of deformations: the classic musical Singin' in the Rain.

      Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research
      • Jenny Oyallon-Koloski
      • Dora Valkanova
      • Michael J. Junokas
      • Kayt MacMaster
      • Sarah Marks Mininsohn
      • images
      • tools
      • moving images
      • performance

        We argue for the value of motion capture-driven research that moves audiovisual analysis in a performative direction to integrate the dancer/researcher into the cinematic space.

        Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project
        • Jean Carrive
        • Abdelkrim Beloued
        • Pascale Goetschel
        • Serge Heiden
        • Antoine Laurent
        • Pasquale Lisena
        • Franck Mazuet
        • Sylvain Meignier
        • Bénédicte Pincemin
        • Géraldine Poels
        • Raphaël Troncy
        • moving images
        • history
        • project report
        • tools
        • archives
        • semantic web

          The ANTRACT project is a cross-disciplinary apparatus dedicated to the analysis of the French newsreel company Les Actualités Françaises (1945-1969) and its film productions.

          Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá
          • Cristina Migliaccio
          • web
          • moving images
          • globalDH
          • dh
          • cultural heritage

            This article explores how usages of Neapolitan-Italian language on YouTube might counter the linguistic and cultural subordination of Neapolitans.
