Ensuring Minimal Computing Serves Maximal Connection
  • Grant Wythoff
  • dh
  • minimal computing
  • cultural criticism
  • collaboration

    This article first takes a broader view of minimalism to register several problematic echoes of minimal computing among digital detoxers and disaster survivalists in intensities ranging from Luddism to asceticism.

    Hidden in Plain-TeX: Investigating Minimal Computing Workflows
    • Nabeel Siddiqui
    • project management
    • markup
    • tools
    • minimal computing
    • philosophy
    • history
    • publishing

      Drawing on software studies, data feminism, digital rhetoric studies, information science, and the history of computing, this paper foregrounds Markdown as a cultural object to analyze the social, cultural, and political pressures surrounding the digital humanities.  Rather than beginning with contemporary discourse, it draws parallels between Markdown and Donald Knuth's TeX.

      Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms
      • Martin Paul Eve
      • archives
      • access
      • minimal computing
      • ethics
      • digital libraries

        This article examines the limits on scalability of the distribution of the Library Genesis through its torrent archive and other distributed networking technologies such as IFS, which despite their promise of peer-to-peer redundancy fall down on an archive of this size.

        Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics
        • Zahra Rizvi
        • Rohan Chauhan
        • A. Sean Pue
        • Nishat Zaidi
        • literary studies
        • project management
        • access
        • minimal computing
        • data modeling

          Exploring minimal computing as a method for creating multilingual, digital critical editions of Indian-language poetry.

          Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective
          • Tiffany Chan
          • Jentery Sayers
          • project report
          • minimal computing
          • access
          • project management

            A brief exploration of Vault, a digital asset management system, and how it illustrates minimal computing from the labor perspective.

            Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor
            • Quinn Dombrowski
            • globalDH
            • access
            • tools
            • minimal computing
            • ethics
            • collaboration

              This paper focuses on the practical realities of implementing the most common minimal computing methods for web development.

              Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South
              • Raffaele Viglianti
              • Gimena del Rio Riande
              • Nidia Hernández
              • Romina De Léon
              • access
              • globalDH
              • pedagogy
              • project report
              • minimal computing

                In this paper, we present our preliminary reflections on whether minimal computing as a practice can extend beyond computing done under some technological constraints to serving as a common ground between different digital humanities research dynamics in the Global North and South.

                Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project
                • Christina Boyles
                • Andy Boyles Petersen
                • access
                • ethics
                • social justice
                • minimal computing

                  This article has examines notions of precarity within the Makers by Mail project to interrogate the relationship between minimal computing methodologies and academic austerity.

                  Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation
                  • Matthew Lincoln
                  • Jennifer Isasi
                  • Sarah Melton
                  • François Dominic Laramée
                  • project report
                  • info architecture
                  • project management
                  • minimal computing
                  • globalDH

                    In this case study, we show how the challenges of maintaining a sustainable static-site architecture for the Programming Historian are deeply intertwined with the logistical challenges of expanding the original project into a multilingual set of publications.

                    Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship
                    • Jing Chen
                    • Mengqi Li
                    • Wensi Lin
                    • Yinzhou Zhao
                    • Mengyue Zhang
                    • Han Chen
                    • Qiang Hu
                    • Yongqing Xie
                    • project report
                    • visual art
                    • cultural heritage
                    • collaboration
                    • minimal computing
                    • history
                    • publishing

                      This essay offers a case study of the ZHI project, a digital craftsmanship project showcasing the beauty of traditional craftsmanship at three levels: knowing, making, and intelligence.

                      Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections
                      • Stephanie Sapienza
                      • Eric Hoyt
                      • Matt St. John
                      • Ed Summers
                      • JJ Bersch
                      • data curation
                      • access
                      • project report
                      • minimal computing
                      • project management

                        This paper introduces and unpacks several challenges faced by stewards who work with audiovisual resources, departing from the premise that audiovisual resources are undervalued and underutilized as primary source materials for scholarship and therefore receive less attention in the sphere of digital humanities.
