Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts
  • David Lassner
  • Anne Baillot
  • Sergej Dogadov
  • Klaus-Robert Müller
  • Shinichi Nakajima
  • manuscripts
  • machine learning
  • tools
  • editing

    This article present a new probabilistic model for categorizing alterations in manuscripts which yields interesting insights into sensitive topics in the correspondence of Berlin intellectuals around 1800.

    A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters
    • Pierre Chastang
    • Sergio Torres Aguilar
    • Xavier Tannier
    • medieval
    • manuscripts
    • history
    • tools
    • project report

      In this paper, we detail the implementation of a model for automatic named entity recognition in medieval Latin sources and we test its robustness on different datasets.

      Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary
      • Marcello Vitali-Rosati
      • Servanne Monjour
      • Joana Casenave
      • Elsa Bouchard
      • Margot Mellet
      • classics
      • databases
      • project report
      • history
      • corpora
      • manuscripts
      • publishing
      • semantic web
      • digital
      • Digital Classics
      • Digital Edition
      • Palatine Anthology
      • Anthological Imaginary
      • Editorialization
      • Collaborative Process

      How might texts written in Antinquity resonate in our networked digital culture?
