The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery
  • Sara Diamond
  • archives
  • project management
  • data curation
  • access
  • project report
  • visual art
  • sound
  • indigenous
  • media history
  • project resiliency
  • Banff New Media Institute
  • Daniel Langlois Foundation
  • Crista Dahl Library and Archive
  • Sara Diamond Fonds

Disappearing archives

Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project
  • Franny Gaede
  • Ana-Maurine Lara
  • Alaí Reyes-Santos
  • Kate Thornhill
  • race
  • indigenous
  • collaboration
  • glam
  • data curation
  • project report
  • area studies
  • Black digital humanities
  • Caribbean
  • Digital archive

This interdisciplinary team placed the healers’ community at the center of the research project to publicly validate and share aspects of their knowledge with the healers, teachers, researchers, and students studying race, indigeneity, ethnobotanical medicinal healing, and intersectionality.

Modeling Amerindian Sea Travel in the Early Colonial Caribbean
  • Emma Slayton
  • history
  • archaeology
  • geospatial
  • data modeling
  • area studies
  • indigenous
  • computer applications in archaeology
  • seafaring
  • navigation

This article investigated Amerindian practices by modeling hypothetical canoe routes across Trinidad and mainalnd coast of South America between 1000 AD - 1550 AD.

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history
  • George Aaron Broadwell
  • Moisés García Guzmán
  • Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
  • Felipe H. Lopez
  • May Helena Plumb
  • Mike Zarafonetis
  • collaboration
  • history
  • cultural heritage
  • digital libraries
  • indigenous
  • language studies
  • translation
  • access
  • social justice
  • digital schoalrship
  • digital humanities
  • Colonial Mexico
  • Zapotec
  • archives
  • collaoration
  • humanidades digitales
  • México colonial
  • zapoteco
  • archivos
  • colaboración
  • colaboración

This article discusses the Ticha project whch is a digital text exploreer that provides acces to media and documents associated with the Zapotec community.