Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor
  • Quinn Dombrowski
  • globalDH
  • access
  • tools
  • minimal computing
  • ethics
  • collaboration

    This paper focuses on the practical realities of implementing the most common minimal computing methods for web development.

    Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South
    • Raffaele Viglianti
    • Gimena del Rio Riande
    • Nidia Hernández
    • Romina De Léon
    • access
    • globalDH
    • pedagogy
    • project report
    • minimal computing

      In this paper, we present our preliminary reflections on whether minimal computing as a practice can extend beyond computing done under some technological constraints to serving as a common ground between different digital humanities research dynamics in the Global North and South.

      Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation
      • Matthew Lincoln
      • Jennifer Isasi
      • Sarah Melton
      • François Dominic Laramée
      • project report
      • info architecture
      • project management
      • minimal computing
      • globalDH

        In this case study, we show how the challenges of maintaining a sustainable static-site architecture for the Programming Historian are deeply intertwined with the logistical challenges of expanding the original project into a multilingual set of publications.

        Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
        • Cláudio José Silva Ribeiro
        • Suemi Higuchi
        • Luis Antonio Coelho Ferla
        • dh
        • area studies
        • globalDH
        • project report
        • Digital Humanities
        • Science and Technology
        • HDRio2018

        A Portuguese language article which casts a panoramic glance at Digital Humanities initiatives in Brazil.

        EN PT
        Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá
        • Cristina Migliaccio
        • web
        • moving images
        • globalDH
        • dh
        • cultural heritage

          This article explores how usages of Neapolitan-Italian language on YouTube might counter the linguistic and cultural subordination of Neapolitans.
