Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms
  • Martin Paul Eve
  • archives
  • access
  • minimal computing
  • ethics
  • digital libraries

    This article examines the limits on scalability of the distribution of the Library Genesis through its torrent archive and other distributed networking technologies such as IFS, which despite their promise of peer-to-peer redundancy fall down on an archive of this size.

    Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history
    • George Aaron Broadwell
    • Moisés García Guzmán
    • Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
    • Felipe H. Lopez
    • May Helena Plumb
    • Mike Zarafonetis
    • collaboration
    • history
    • cultural heritage
    • digital libraries
    • indigenous
    • language studies
    • translation
    • access
    • social justice
    • digital schoalrship
    • digital humanities
    • Colonial Mexico
    • Zapotec
    • archives
    • collaoration
    • humanidades digitales
    • México colonial
    • zapoteco
    • archivos
    • colaboración
    • colaboración

    This article discusses the Ticha project whch is a digital text exploreer that provides acces to media and documents associated with the Zapotec community.

    A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR
    • John Douglas Bradley
    • classics
    • access
    • semantic web
    • network
    • users
    • digital libraries
    • Roman Republic
    • Linked Open Data
    • Resource Description Framework
    • Digital Prosopography

    Explores how a Prosopography of the Roman Republic has been presented as Linked Open Data through an RDF server.

    Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
    • Luís Corujo
    • Jorge Revez
    • Carlos Guardado da Silva
    • data curation
    • content analysis
    • project management
    • digital libraries
    • ethics
    • standards
    • Curadoria Digital
    • Custo
    • Modelo de Custo
    • Ciclo de vida dos Dados Científicos

    Interconnecting the Digital Curation Centre Life Cycle view of the digital object curation to the OAIS Reference Model approach.

    EN PT