The Explainability Turn
  • David M. Berry
  • tools
  • users
  • cultural criticism
  • digital
  • Explainability
  • Tool Criticism
  • Digital infrastructures
  • infrasomatization

I suggest recent moves to assuage worries over the opaque and threatening potential of computation, termed explainability, might contribute to tool criticism within digital humanities.

Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice
  • Karin van Es
  • cultural criticism
  • tools
  • digital
  • infrastructure
  • cultural criticism
  • Tool criticism
  • Digital methods
  • Methodology
  • Digital infrastructures

This paper explores tool criticism – a critical attitude required of digital humanities scholars when working with computational tools and digital infrastructures.

The Ebook Imagination
  • Simon Peter Rowberry
  • media studies
  • archaeology
  • digital
  • publishing

    In this article, I offer a media archaeological analysis of digital publishing patents to develop the ebook imagination, or the desires of readers and inventors for the future of reading on screen.

    LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor
    • José Raposo
    • António Rito Silva
    • Manuel Portela
    • data visualization
    • digital
    • graphic design
    • reading
    • reading interface
    • reading flow
    • visualization
    • hypermedia
    • LdoD Archive

    This article presents a solution to read and explore the Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, an unfinished book composed of a set of modular texts that have been edited in different sequences and which can be read multi-sequentially.

    Ler a prosa do mundo hoje
    • Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa
    • materialisms
    • reading
    • digital
    • dh
    • philosophy
    • media studies

      Material conditions of digital text diffusion and their impact on new forms of reading.

      EN PT
      Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary
      • Marcello Vitali-Rosati
      • Servanne Monjour
      • Joana Casenave
      • Elsa Bouchard
      • Margot Mellet
      • classics
      • databases
      • project report
      • history
      • corpora
      • manuscripts
      • publishing
      • semantic web
      • digital
      • Digital Classics
      • Digital Edition
      • Palatine Anthology
      • Anthological Imaginary
      • Editorialization
      • Collaborative Process

      How might texts written in Antinquity resonate in our networked digital culture?
