The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery
  • Sara Diamond
  • archives
  • project management
  • data curation
  • access
  • project report
  • visual art
  • sound
  • indigenous
  • media history
  • project resiliency
  • Banff New Media Institute
  • Daniel Langlois Foundation
  • Crista Dahl Library and Archive
  • Sara Diamond Fonds

Disappearing archives

Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project
  • Franny Gaede
  • Ana-Maurine Lara
  • Alaí Reyes-Santos
  • Kate Thornhill
  • race
  • indigenous
  • collaboration
  • glam
  • data curation
  • project report
  • area studies
  • Black digital humanities
  • Caribbean
  • Digital archive

This interdisciplinary team placed the healers’ community at the center of the research project to publicly validate and share aspects of their knowledge with the healers, teachers, researchers, and students studying race, indigeneity, ethnobotanical medicinal healing, and intersectionality.

Nutha Planets: On Telos and Digital Blackness
  • Louis M. Maraj
  • archives
  • data curation
  • race
  • social media
  • Digital blackness
  • telos
  • Sylvia Wynter

I refuse the idea that the goal of Black digital technologies and their uses remains building some Black canon of texts, some particular archive of artifacts, a catalogue of ways of being in the world somehow authentically emerging from black experience.

Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women
  • Jazma Sutton
  • Kalani Craig
  • archives
  • data curation
  • race
  • cultural heritage
  • history
  • oral history
  • social media
  • project report
  • Black women
  • Black digital humanities
  • History harvest
  • Memory work
  • Digital community archive

In a world that has always conceived of Black women in opposition to others, but never on her own terms, Remembering Freedom History Harvest builds a local Indiana historiography that relies less on resistant readings of archives and more on the community archives and memory work that join together in descendant archival practice as a way to generate Black women’s histories.

How to cite this digital edition?
  • Roman Bleier
  • publishing
  • citation
  • data curation

    Surveys British History Online and Early English Books Online to examine the role of, and improvements to, permalink/PID strategies and citation recommendations in making digital editions more accessible

    Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections
    • Stephanie Sapienza
    • Eric Hoyt
    • Matt St. John
    • Ed Summers
    • JJ Bersch
    • data curation
    • access
    • project report
    • minimal computing
    • project management

      This paper introduces and unpacks several challenges faced by stewards who work with audiovisual resources, departing from the premise that audiovisual resources are undervalued and underutilized as primary source materials for scholarship and therefore receive less attention in the sphere of digital humanities.

      PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting
      • Eric Hoyt
      • J.J. Bersch
      • Susan Noh
      • Samuel Hansen
      • Jacob Mertens
      • Jeremy Wade Morris
      • metadata
      • data visualization
      • data curation
      • digitization

        We share three different methods for studying RSS feeds and podcast metadata: 1) visualizing how topics and keywords trend over time; 2) visualizing networks of common associated keywords entered by podcasters; and 3) analyzing norms and common practices for the duration of podcasts (as a time-based media format, podcasting is unusual in that it is not bound by the programming schedules and technical limitations that provide strict parameters for most audiovisual forms).

        Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
        • Luís Corujo
        • Jorge Revez
        • Carlos Guardado da Silva
        • data curation
        • content analysis
        • project management
        • digital libraries
        • ethics
        • standards
        • Curadoria Digital
        • Custo
        • Modelo de Custo
        • Ciclo de vida dos Dados Científicos

        Interconnecting the Digital Curation Centre Life Cycle view of the digital object curation to the OAIS Reference Model approach.

        EN PT
        Digital Editions and Version Numbering
        • Paul A. Broyles
        • publishing
        • project report
        • archives
        • editing
        • citation
        • data curation
        • medieval

          Examines versioning practices and policies as social products to argue for transparency in assigning meaningful version numbers to digital editions
