The Explainability Turn
  • David M. Berry
  • tools
  • users
  • cultural criticism
  • digital
  • Explainability
  • Tool Criticism
  • Digital infrastructures
  • infrasomatization

I suggest recent moves to assuage worries over the opaque and threatening potential of computation, termed explainability, might contribute to tool criticism within digital humanities.

The Politics of Tools
  • Stephen Ramsay
  • cultural criticism
  • code studies
  • philosophy
  • tools
  • politics
  • software
  • cultural studies

If it is true that our tool-building cannot define or predict the specific political arrangements that may later arise, we should perhaps be most circumspect not when we are tempted to imagine our efforts to be neutral, but rather when we imagine our tools to be acts of resistance or outright political activism.

Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice
  • Karin van Es
  • cultural criticism
  • tools
  • digital
  • infrastructure
  • cultural criticism
  • Tool criticism
  • Digital methods
  • Methodology
  • Digital infrastructures

This paper explores tool criticism – a critical attitude required of digital humanities scholars when working with computational tools and digital infrastructures.

Black Digital Humanities for the Rising Generation
  • Alanna Prince
  • Cara Marta Messina
  • dh
  • race
  • cultural criticism
  • ethics
  • publishing
  • Black digital humanities
  • Antiracist editorial practices
  • Black studies

The focus of Black DH and this special issue is not to define Black DH, but rather spotlight the limitless, interdisciplinary nature of Black DH and Black scholarship.

New Questions, Next Work
  • Bethany Nowviskie
  • race
  • cultural heritage
  • dh
  • infrastructure
  • cultural criticism
  • social justice
  • Digital humanities
  • Organizing
  • Reform
  • Mutual aid
  • Infrastructure
  • Reflection

We have pathways forward and tantalizing hints, but can scarcely imagine what it will mean to shift from extractive modes of digital research and curation — quantifying, fragmenting, pinning, hoarding — to ones that are generative, healing, open-ended, and which make us whole.

Our Time Is Now (It’s Always Been Our Time)
  • Roopika Risam
  • race
  • gender
  • cultural criticism
  • Black studies
  • Ethnic studies
  • Meta digital humanities
  • Reflection

Instead, the question we should be examining is how addressing the operations of race — and its relationship to gender, sexuality, nation, disability, and colonialism, among others — is nothing less than a matter of scholarly integrity and must be put at the center of digital humanities inquiry.

The Fulll Monty
  • Elizabeth Losh
  • dh
  • race
  • cultural criticism
  • Diversity
  • Professional associations
  • Origin story
  • Reflection

Instead it might be more useful to invest energies in regional digital humanities organizations that treat access-oriented institutions and communities of color with more respect.

Ensuring Minimal Computing Serves Maximal Connection
  • Grant Wythoff
  • dh
  • minimal computing
  • cultural criticism
  • collaboration

    This article first takes a broader view of minimalism to register several problematic echoes of minimal computing among digital detoxers and disaster survivalists in intensities ranging from Luddism to asceticism.

    Deformin' in the Rain: How (and Why) to Break a Classic Film
    • Jason Mittell
    • moving images
    • images
    • cultural criticism
    • digitization
    • sound
    • visual art

      Following upon the strain of digital humanities practice that Mark Sample terms the deformed humanities, this essay subjects a single film to a series of deformations: the classic musical Singin' in the Rain.
