BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All
  • Annette Vee
  • code studies
  • cs
  • users
  • history
  • project management
  • media history
  • games
  • Critical Code Studies
  • BASIC programming language
  • programming for all
  • computer games
  • Dartmouth College
  • sports

Annette Vee traces the historical and cultural context of FTBALL as an example of programming for all.

Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance
  • Barry Rountree
  • William Condee
  • code studies
  • performance
  • cs
  • materialisms

    Nonsense shows us the opportunity that nonmaterial performance creates: to decenter text from privileged position and to recenter code as a performance.

    The Politics of Tools
    • Stephen Ramsay
    • cultural criticism
    • code studies
    • philosophy
    • tools
    • politics
    • software
    • cultural studies

    If it is true that our tool-building cannot define or predict the specific political arrangements that may later arise, we should perhaps be most circumspect not when we are tempted to imagine our efforts to be neutral, but rather when we imagine our tools to be acts of resistance or outright political activism.

    How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code
    • Minh Hua
    • Rita Raley
    • code studies
    • machine learning
    • tools
    • web

      Our work draws attention to the means by which ordinary users might interact with, and even direct, the behavior of deep learning systems, and by extension works toward demystifying some of the auratic mystery of AI.

      Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP
      • Minh Hua
      • Rita Raley
      • nlp
      • games
      • machine learning
      • collaboration
      • code studies
      • linguistics

        Argues for an approach to the the text adventure game AI Dungeon 2 as a model for future human-AI collaborative creative practices
