Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices
  • Moshe Blidstein
  • Daphne Raban
  • project report
  • tools
  • religion
  • classics
  • archives

    Exploration of Tiresias, a multilingual database constructed constructed as an efficient tool to access and understand ancient texts for research purposes.

    Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action
    • Gloria Mugelli
    • Federico Boschetti
    • Andrea Bellandi
    • Riccardo Del Gratta
    • Anas Fahad Khan
    • Andrea Taddei
    • classics
    • history
    • tools
    • databases
    • users
    • annotation
    • project report
    • textual annotation
    • bottom-up approach
    • domain specific languages
    • ontologies
    • ancient Greek
    • ancient Greek tragedy
    • ritual
    • religion

    Description of the Euporia annotation system.

    A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR
    • John Douglas Bradley
    • classics
    • access
    • semantic web
    • network
    • users
    • digital libraries
    • Roman Republic
    • Linked Open Data
    • Resource Description Framework
    • Digital Prosopography

    Explores how a Prosopography of the Roman Republic has been presented as Linked Open Data through an RDF server.

    Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary
    • Marcello Vitali-Rosati
    • Servanne Monjour
    • Joana Casenave
    • Elsa Bouchard
    • Margot Mellet
    • classics
    • databases
    • project report
    • history
    • corpora
    • manuscripts
    • publishing
    • semantic web
    • digital
    • Digital Classics
    • Digital Edition
    • Palatine Anthology
    • Anthological Imaginary
    • Editorialization
    • Collaborative Process

    How might texts written in Antinquity resonate in our networked digital culture?
