Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions
  • Sune Bechmann Pedersen
  • Mathias Johansson
  • reading
  • geospatial
  • history
  • area studies
  • communications
  • project report
  • Historical Geographical Information Systems
  • tourism history
  • travel guides
  • state socialism
  • Cold War
  • toponym disambiguation
  • Baedeker
  • Čedok

This article demonstrates the value of scalable reading of historical travel guides, combining traditional close reading with computer-assisted distant reading.

Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project
  • Franny Gaede
  • Ana-Maurine Lara
  • Alaí Reyes-Santos
  • Kate Thornhill
  • race
  • indigenous
  • collaboration
  • glam
  • data curation
  • project report
  • area studies
  • Black digital humanities
  • Caribbean
  • Digital archive

This interdisciplinary team placed the healers’ community at the center of the research project to publicly validate and share aspects of their knowledge with the healers, teachers, researchers, and students studying race, indigeneity, ethnobotanical medicinal healing, and intersectionality.

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico
  • Diego Jiménez–Badillo
  • Patricia Murrieta–Flores
  • Bruno Martins
  • Ian Gregory
  • Mariana Favila-Vázquez
  • Raquel Liceras-Garrido
  • nlp
  • machine learning
  • geospatial
  • history
  • corpora
  • area studies
  • Relaciones Geográficas de la Nueva España
  • early colonial history
  • Mexico
  • geographical text analysis
  • named entity recognition
  • name entity disambiguation
  • named entity classification
  • geographic collocation
  • natural language processing
  • machine learning

This article explores a DH project that contributes to discussions on computational analysis of vast historical corpora.

Modeling Amerindian Sea Travel in the Early Colonial Caribbean
  • Emma Slayton
  • history
  • archaeology
  • geospatial
  • data modeling
  • area studies
  • indigenous
  • computer applications in archaeology
  • seafaring
  • navigation

This article investigated Amerindian practices by modeling hypothetical canoe routes across Trinidad and mainalnd coast of South America between 1000 AD - 1550 AD.

Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
  • Cláudio José Silva Ribeiro
  • Suemi Higuchi
  • Luis Antonio Coelho Ferla
  • dh
  • area studies
  • globalDH
  • project report
  • Digital Humanities
  • Science and Technology
  • HDRio2018

A Portuguese language article which casts a panoramic glance at Digital Humanities initiatives in Brazil.

Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry
  • Heyam Abd Alhadi
  • Ali Ahmad Hussein
  • Tsvi Kuflik
  • rhetoric
  • area studies
  • literary studies
  • machine learning
  • project report
  • corpora
  • Text mining
  • Arabic natural language processing
  • rule-based
  • classical Arabic poetry
  • rhetorical elements

A novel, rule-based, automatic framework for identifying rhetorical elements in classical Arabic poetry is described.