The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery
  • Sara Diamond
  • archives
  • project management
  • data curation
  • access
  • project report
  • visual art
  • sound
  • indigenous
  • media history
  • project resiliency
  • Banff New Media Institute
  • Daniel Langlois Foundation
  • Crista Dahl Library and Archive
  • Sara Diamond Fonds

Disappearing archives

Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices
  • Moshe Blidstein
  • Daphne Raban
  • project report
  • tools
  • religion
  • classics
  • archives

    Exploration of Tiresias, a multilingual database constructed constructed as an efficient tool to access and understand ancient texts for research purposes.

    Nutha Planets: On Telos and Digital Blackness
    • Louis M. Maraj
    • archives
    • data curation
    • race
    • social media
    • Digital blackness
    • telos
    • Sylvia Wynter

    I refuse the idea that the goal of Black digital technologies and their uses remains building some Black canon of texts, some particular archive of artifacts, a catalogue of ways of being in the world somehow authentically emerging from black experience.

    Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women
    • Jazma Sutton
    • Kalani Craig
    • archives
    • data curation
    • race
    • cultural heritage
    • history
    • oral history
    • social media
    • project report
    • Black women
    • Black digital humanities
    • History harvest
    • Memory work
    • Digital community archive

    In a world that has always conceived of Black women in opposition to others, but never on her own terms, Remembering Freedom History Harvest builds a local Indiana historiography that relies less on resistant readings of archives and more on the community archives and memory work that join together in descendant archival practice as a way to generate Black women’s histories.

    Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms
    • Martin Paul Eve
    • archives
    • access
    • minimal computing
    • ethics
    • digital libraries

      This article examines the limits on scalability of the distribution of the Library Genesis through its torrent archive and other distributed networking technologies such as IFS, which despite their promise of peer-to-peer redundancy fall down on an archive of this size.

      Archives, Information Infrastructure, and Maintenance Work
      • Ciaran B. Trace
      • archives
      • infrastructure
      • Infrastructure
      • maintenance
      • maintenance work
      • humanities scholarship
      • archival work

      This article examines the notion of the archive as revealed through a process of infrastructural inversion, with an emphasis on understanding the working information practices of archivists as a prerequisite to any discussion of humanities infrastructure initiatives. Situating the archive as a form of infrastructure and archival labor as a form of maintenance work generates descriptions of archival systems and practices that shine a spotlight on key negotiations and tensions that adhere in a profession that exists in service of others.

      Prison Writer as Witness: Can DH Read for Social Justice?
      • Doran Larson
      • social justice
      • archives
      • reading
      • history
      • public history

        This article proposes that there exists a broad, well established, but underappreciated mid-range manner of reading that stands between traditional close reading and computer-aided distant reading of first-person witness testimony.

        Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project
        • Jean Carrive
        • Abdelkrim Beloued
        • Pascale Goetschel
        • Serge Heiden
        • Antoine Laurent
        • Pasquale Lisena
        • Franck Mazuet
        • Sylvain Meignier
        • Bénédicte Pincemin
        • Géraldine Poels
        • Raphaël Troncy
        • moving images
        • history
        • project report
        • tools
        • archives
        • semantic web

          The ANTRACT project is a cross-disciplinary apparatus dedicated to the analysis of the French newsreel company Les Actualités Françaises (1945-1969) and its film productions.

          Digital Editions and Version Numbering
          • Paul A. Broyles
          • publishing
          • project report
          • archives
          • editing
          • citation
          • data curation
          • medieval

            Examines versioning practices and policies as social products to argue for transparency in assigning meaningful version numbers to digital editions
