Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action
  • Gloria Mugelli
  • Federico Boschetti
  • Andrea Bellandi
  • Riccardo Del Gratta
  • Anas Fahad Khan
  • Andrea Taddei
  • classics
  • history
  • tools
  • databases
  • users
  • annotation
  • project report
  • textual annotation
  • bottom-up approach
  • domain specific languages
  • ontologies
  • ancient Greek
  • ancient Greek tragedy
  • ritual
  • religion

Description of the Euporia annotation system.

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate
  • Joel Burges
  • Solvegia Armoskaite
  • Tiamat Fox
  • Darren Mueller
  • Joshua Romphf
  • Emily Sherwood
  • Madeline Ullrich
  • annotation
  • tools
  • moving images
  • media studies
  • project report
  • users
  • sound

    This article describes Mediate: An Annotation Tool for Audiovisual Media, developed at the University of Rochester, and emphasizes the platform as a source for the understanding of film, television, poetry, pop songs, live performance, music, and advertising as shown in three cases studies from film and media studies, music history, and linguistics.
