
Issue 17.2

Critical Code Studies, Tools Criticism

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Introduction: Situating Critical Code Studies in the Digital Humanities
  • Mark C. Marino
  • Jeremy Douglass
    • critical code studies
    • digital humanities
    • hermeneutics
    • game studies
    • software studies
    • platform studies
    • media archaeology

    An introduction to the field of Critical Code Studies and summary of author contributions.

    Reverse Engineering the Gendered Design of Amazon’s Alexa: Methods in Testing Closed-Source Code in Grey and Black Box Systems
    • Lai-Tze Fan
    • code studies
    • gender
    • access
    • tools
    • users

      This article considers the gendered design of Amazon Alexa voice-driven capabilities, or, skills, as feminized labour.

      BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All
      • Annette Vee
      • code studies
      • cs
      • users
      • history
      • project management
      • media history
      • games
      • Critical Code Studies
      • BASIC programming language
      • programming for all
      • computer games
      • Dartmouth College
      • sports

      Annette Vee traces the historical and cultural context of FTBALL as an example of programming for all.

      Computational art Explorations of Linguistic Possibility Spaces: comparative translingual close readings of Daniel C. Howe’s Automatype and Radical of the Vertical Heart 忄
      • John Cayley
      • code studies
      • reading
      • sound
      • linguistics

        A code-critical close reading of two works by Daniel C. Howe.

        Any Means Necessary to Refuse Erasure by Algorithm: Lillian-Yvonne Bertram’s Travesty Generator
        • Zach Whalen
        • code studies
        • performance
        • elit
        • content analysis
        • poetry
        • critical code studies
        • digital poetry
        • computational literature

        This essay presents a close code reading and analysis of computational poetry published by Lillian Yvonne-Bertram in her 2019 collection, Travesty Generator.

        Poetry as Code as Interactive Fiction: Engaging Multiple Text-Based Literacies in Scarlet Portrait Parlor
        • Jason Boyd
        • code studies
        • literary studies
        • elit

          This case study aims to elaborate the value of Scarlet Portrait Parlor as a rich example of how poetry, programming, and interactive fiction can be intertwined if not blurred in a single text.

          How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code
          • Minh Hua
          • Rita Raley
          • code studies
          • machine learning
          • tools
          • web

            Our work draws attention to the means by which ordinary users might interact with, and even direct, the behavior of deep learning systems, and by extension works toward demystifying some of the auratic mystery of AI.

            Tracing Toxicity Through Code: Towards a Method of Explainability and Interpretability in Software
            • David M. Berry
              • explainability
              • algorithms
              • Critical Code Studies
              • Software Studies
              • Digital Humanities

              The software explanability deficit in modern societies can be addressed in part by tracing concept formation through code structures.

              Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance
              • Barry Rountree
              • William Condee
              • code studies
              • performance
              • cs
              • materialisms

                Nonsense shows us the opportunity that nonmaterial performance creates: to decenter text from privileged position and to recenter code as a performance.

                ᐊᒐᐦᑭᐯᐦᐃᑲᓇ ᒫᒥᑐᓀᔨᐦᐃᒋᑲᓂᐦᑳᓂᕽ | acahkipehikana mâmitoneyihicikanihkânihk | Programming with Cree# and Ancestral Code: Nehiyawewin Spirit Markings in an Artificial Brain
                • Jon Corbett
                • indigenous
                • cs
                • language studies
                • digital
                • code studies
                • project report
                • users
                • storytelling
                • Indigenous culture
                • Indigenous language
                • nehiyawewin
                • Ancestral Code

                Jon Corbett shares the challenges and solultions he's proposed coding in Nehiyawewin development environments.

                The Less Humble Programmer
                • Daniel Temkin
                  • code studies
                  • cs
                  • cultural criticism
                  • users

                  This article examines esoteric programming languages (esolangs) along two axes of complexity: humbleness and computational idealism.

                  The Explainability Turn
                  • David M. Berry
                  • tools
                  • users
                  • cultural criticism
                  • digital
                  • Explainability
                  • Tool Criticism
                  • Digital infrastructures
                  • infrasomatization

                  I suggest recent moves to assuage worries over the opaque and threatening potential of computation, termed explainability, might contribute to tool criticism within digital humanities.

                  Distant Reading and Viewing: Big Questions in Digital Art History and Digital Literary Studies
                  • Ruta Binkyte
                  • reading
                  • visual art
                  • dh
                  • Computer Vision
                  • Distant Viewing
                  • Distant Reading
                  • Digital Art History
                  Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies
                  • J. Berenike Herrmann
                  • Anne-Sophie Bories
                  • Francesca Frontini
                  • Clèmence Jacquot
                  • Steffen Pielström
                  • Simone Rebora
                  • Geoffrey Rockwell
                  • Stéfan Sinclair
                  • literary studies
                  • tools
                  • stylistics
                  • data analytics

                    This article reflects a rich array of perspectives on tools criticism, arguing that we need tools and methods as a basic common ground on how to carry out fundamental operations of analysis and interpretation within a community.

                    Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies
                    • Marit J. MacArthur
                    • Lee M. Miller
                    • linguistics
                    • performance
                    • tools
                    • sound
                    • data visualization
                    • Poetry
                    • Poet Voice
                    • Phonetic linguistics

                    This article provides a critical narrative of our research in applying, developing and refining tools for the analysis of pitch and timing patterns in recorded performances of literary texts.

                    Bias in Big Data, Machine Learning and AI: What Lessons for the Digital Humanities?
                    • Andrew Prescott
                    • philosophy
                    • race
                    • dh
                    • cultural criticism
                    • Artificial Intelligence
                    • Bias
                    • Machine Learning
                    • Big Data

                    This article surveys the ways in which issues of race and gender bias emerge in projects involving the use of predictive analytics, big data and artificial intelligence (AI).

                    The Politics of Tools
                    • Stephen Ramsay
                    • cultural criticism
                    • code studies
                    • philosophy
                    • tools
                    • politics
                    • software
                    • cultural studies

                    If it is true that our tool-building cannot define or predict the specific political arrangements that may later arise, we should perhaps be most circumspect not when we are tempted to imagine our efforts to be neutral, but rather when we imagine our tools to be acts of resistance or outright political activism.

                    Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies. A Critical Survey
                    • Simone Rebora
                    • literary studies
                    • tools
                    • project report
                    • content analysis
                    • Sentiment Analysis
                    • Tool Criticism
                    • Literary Theory
                    • Computational Literary Studies

                    The article sets up a critique of Sentiment Analysis (SA) tools in literary studies, both from a theoretical and a computational point of view.

                    Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice
                    • Karin van Es
                    • cultural criticism
                    • tools
                    • digital
                    • infrastructure
                    • cultural criticism
                    • Tool criticism
                    • Digital methods
                    • Methodology
                    • Digital infrastructures

                    This paper explores tool criticism – a critical attitude required of digital humanities scholars when working with computational tools and digital infrastructures.

                    Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets
                    • Ethan Davis
                    • Christopher Danforth
                    • Wolfgang Mieder
                    • Peter Sheridan Dodds
                    • linguistics
                    • corpora
                    • history
                    • data visualization

                      This article measures temporal changes in the relevance of proverbs within four corpora,differing in kind, scale, and time frame: Millions of books over centuries; thousands of books over centuries; millions of news articles over twenty years; and billions of tweets over a decade.

                      Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions
                      • Sune Bechmann Pedersen
                      • Mathias Johansson
                      • reading
                      • geospatial
                      • history
                      • area studies
                      • communications
                      • project report
                      • Historical Geographical Information Systems
                      • tourism history
                      • travel guides
                      • state socialism
                      • Cold War
                      • toponym disambiguation
                      • Baedeker
                      • Čedok

                      This article demonstrates the value of scalable reading of historical travel guides, combining traditional close reading with computer-assisted distant reading.

                      An Integral Web-map for the Analysis of Spatial Change over Time in a Complex Built Environment: Digital Samos
                      • Estefanía López Salas
                      • geospatial
                      • tools
                      • project report
                      • history
                      • project management
                      • Digital Art and Architectural History
                      • Digital Visualization
                      • Spatiotemporal Web-Mapping
                      • Spanish Monastic Architecture

                      The paper focuses on a prototype interactive web-map of the monastic site of San Julián de Samos in north-western Spain and offers a response to questions regarding why and how to create an interactive web-map in the field of architectural history through a particular case study.

                      SEDES: Metrical Position in Greek Hexameter
                      • Stephen A. Sansom
                      • David Fifield
                        • project report
                        • literary studies
                        • data visualization
                        • classics
                        • code studies

                        Introduction to SEDES, a program that automatically identifies, quantifies, and visualizes the metrical position of lemmata in ancient Greek hexameter poetry.

                        Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry
                        • Heyam Abd Alhadi
                        • Ali Ahmad Hussein
                        • Tsvi Kuflik
                        • rhetoric
                        • area studies
                        • literary studies
                        • machine learning
                        • project report
                        • corpora
                        • Text mining
                        • Arabic natural language processing
                        • rule-based
                        • classical Arabic poetry
                        • rhetorical elements

                        A novel, rule-based, automatic framework for identifying rhetorical elements in classical Arabic poetry is described.

                        Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá
                        • Cristina Migliaccio
                        • web
                        • moving images
                        • globalDH
                        • dh
                        • cultural heritage

                          This article explores how usages of Neapolitan-Italian language on YouTube might counter the linguistic and cultural subordination of Neapolitans.

                          Machine Learning Techniques For Analyzing Inscriptions From Israel
                          • Daiki Tagami
                          • Michael Satlow
                          • archaeology
                          • machine learning
                          • markup

                            A comparison of machine learning models to predict the year of inscriptions from tabular data in the Israel/Palestine dataset.